In my soul afflictions and in meditations of my heart,
I lift up my soul to You, my dear Lord God
For You alone is my Creator
For You alone is my Redeemer
For You alone is the Lord of Grace
No other name that saves me, but only You alone
For You alone is my Rock and Salvation
For You alone is my Battle Shield and my Fortress
In my trouble spirit and my struggling soul,
I cry out to You alone
To You, my Creator
To You, my Provider
To You, my Redeemer
God the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I thanks to You, God The Father
For You alone is my Helper
And no other helper beside You, God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob
And no other consolation beside Your Spirit
I give thanks to You, Holy Spirit
You give me light in my darkness
You give me wisdom in my blindness
You give me consolation in my afflictions
I realize now that even If quarter of my brain is in disorder
Let not healing is be my prayer
But let me accept that weakness and be still
I confess my sins to You, Lord Jesus
Often I want to be strong and powerful in my flesh
I want full healing from You and in that healing my soul will boast
I want experience Your resurrection power in my spirit
but sadly, I do not want Your discipline through my weakness
And I do not want to be humble and accept my weakness
The weakness that from You
Help me to mortify my flesh, Lord Jesus !
And I give thanks to You that You already done it
In the cross You already pay for my sins
In Your resurrection, I give me hope
Help me to learn to put the death the works of the flesh !
And help me to learn to walk according Your Spirit !
Now, I understand something
I just need to wait upon Your Grace
I need not any healing
And I will boast You in my weakness
And I know in my weakness Your glory is manifest
My passion is that I just want to behold Your glory and majesty
One thing I ask to You, Lord Jesus
Let me behold Your Glory
Let Your Spirit reveal it to me
And let my spirit enjoy Your Majesty
And rest in beholding Your Glory
I will not pray anymore for my healing
For it is usually for my flesh ambitions
I just want Your presence
And behold Your Glory that brighter than stars in heavens
And I know if I behold Your glory
I will be transforming from glory to glory
Hear my humble prayer, my dear Lord
Thanks for Your grace and mercy
Thanks for forgiveness of sins
Thanks for all blessings
In Jesus name, I pray
Amen !
( 4-12-2012 )